Vaccination Policy

Next Step Pediatrics is a pro-vaccination practice that follows the CDC vaccination schedule. For more information on vaccinations click here. On-time vaccination throughout childhood prepares your child's immune system before they are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. Vaccines are tested to ensure that they are safe and effective for children to receive at the recommended ages. Below are links to the vaccine schedules we follow. These links provide concise explanations about what each vaccination does. 

Vaccine Schedule from Birth to Age 6

Vaccine Schedule for Children Ages 7-18

We are a pro-vaccine medical practice.  If you choose to not have your child vaccinated, our practice will not be a good fit for you.  If you have any concerns or hesitation about vaccinating your child, please speak with your provider at your next visit.  An altered vaccine schedule is available but does require and up front $200 fee be paid.